Cooking might get tougher than this


I can't quite remember the circumstances, but somewhere along the line, following our Hairy Bikers experience, it was suggested amongst our friends that four of the men might have a cook off, presenting a wonderfully cooked meal to their four ladies, who would act as judges for the evening and elect a winner.



After a great deal of subterfuge and secrecy, yesterday the four of them commandeered the kitchen and invited their four wives to a delicious supper.  We enjoyed some fragrant Thai cooking, tasty Goulasch and two truly spectacular desserts, all carefully prepared with the greatest attention to detail and much love.

In the event, the votes came out honours even - meaning that we will have to do it all again to identify a winning team!  After such a fun evening, no-one's complaining about that.



We both love having flowers around the place but having been away for a few days, we hadn't had much opportunity to bring a little Spring home this week.  No longer true though, for this morning, we're enjoying several windowsill's full of glorious colour, thanks to the generosity of our dear friends.  Just the thing to brighten a dreary morning after the night before - it's an awfully long time since either of us didn't go to bed till gone 3am!



Oh, and we are still finding little heaps of sand in our tumble drier filter!





So, to sum up...