Were we expected?

Were we expected?

1t was so funny to open the cabinet door when we arrived and to find not only a bottle of blue Mermaid gin in there but a large bottle of Henricks too. I guess someone had noted our preferences! ( I'm working on the Fevertree tonic ;-) )

It's been a long day. Our bags needed to be out by 6.30am, so we enjoyed an early breakfast before meeting for our transfer to the ship at 8.45.

We had a really comfortable night at the Hilton Molino Stucky but you know, we were ready for the off this morning!

Just as well then, that a small boat was ready to take us off on the next part of our journey…

We waved farewell and headed off across to the transport hub, on the first stage of our way to Trieste.

In addition to the private yacht which we'd seen moored opposite the hotel last evening, this morning there was also a Windstar yacht there too. (Or was it a Star Clipper?)

We sat on deck for the short journey, enjoying the fresh air as we arrived ready for the next step; the coach along the motorway to Trieste.

That journey began with the bridge across the lagoon, which we had seen from the plane yesterday, The road parallels the railway line and for a time, we kept pace with a train making the same journey. Who won? I have no idea!

One thing is sure, the train passengers would not have encountered another of those small unfortunate incidents that seem to have beset our trip so far… As we drove along the motorway, the driver of the black car overtaking us returned to the inside lane a little too soon, maybe forgetting that he was pulling a trailer behind, clipping the offside corner of the coach. Oh dear. Those of us on board the coach had been sitting - snoozing? - quietly were woken by a thump and a cacophany of horns and screeching of brakes.

Our driver pulled over and got out to speak to the other (Austrian) driver and for the next ten/fifteen minutes did whatever it is they needed to do before returning to their vehicles and continuing their journeys.

We were rather glad to finally arrive in Trieste, which was as fine a city as we remembered!

A beautiful white ship was awaiting our arrival.

We quietly went though the embarkation procedure, showing passports and boarding passes in the calmest, most peaceful location we've ever come across and in no time at all were stepping aboard our favourite Voyager.

A short time afterwards, we were sitting in our suite overlooking the city and reminding ourselves that yes, we really do need to come here for a weekend soon!

It's so lovely to be back on board and to look forward to a couple of weeks sailing to some great places!

In Zagreb today

In Zagreb today

Friday evening

Friday evening