An Elegant Sufficiency

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The Spa Life

First things first, I thought. After breakfast this morning, when my Hero joined Volker and Sabine in the concert hall, I decided I would spend the morning in the swimming pool. I gathered my things together, grabbed the bag of towels and headed to the “Roman Baths”

Most of the spa facilities here, including treatment rooms, the saunas and the baths are on the lower ground floor, so I went down the staircase in the foyer.

There was a little spa water spring bubbling away at the foot of the stairs; the entrance to the Spa. Here, I found myself in a world of bathrobes and slippers, whereas I was dressed and wearing Birkenstocks. Oh heck.

I stopped by the reception desk to ask if I ought to have arrived “bereit zu schwimmen”, feeling thankful that I had no problems making myself understood here, since everyone I've met so far speaks German. “Kein problem” said the gentleman behind the desk, before explaining where everything was, giving me the key to a (pink) locker and, most mysteriously, a white bedsheet.

I changed, left my things in a locker and took the towel bag with my phone and room key in it and went to explore before I got wet. Oh, I took the bedsheet along too, because who knows? This area was all rather hushed and quite hospital-like in atmosphere.

Well, yes…it was certainly quiet.

This room appeared to be somewhere to relax after all the activity - not that I had seen any activity so far.

So I continued to tiptoe around, past doors marked “Mudbath” and “Hydrotherapy” before coming upon something I recognised: a Kneipp treading pool.

I put down my bag and my bedsheet and stepped into the pool, wincing as I put my weight onto my feet, because the pebbles lining the base of both pools were quite sharp! I walked slowly through the hot pool, carefully lifting my foot out of the water after each step, then turned the corner and stepped into the icy cold pool to come back the same way. The directions suggested ten rounds - I managed three!

It was bliss to step onto the smooth tile floor!

A sign on the wall opposite was what I'd been looking for. Shall we forgive them the Grocer's Apostrophe?

My first dip was in the somewhat modern pool, which when I arrived, was bubbling and filled with jets of water cascading from various places. I put my stuff on a chair and thought I'd give it a try, though there'd be no chance of swimming in all of the parlarver going on. But shortly after I had stepped in, it all stopped - I guess it was on a timer - and so I put on my goggles and started swimming to and fro. In such a small pool, though, it was more of a turning practice than a swim, but I wasn't complaining. After all, I was wet, had the pool to myself and all the time in the world.

But yes, of course I soon got bored! Perhaps there'd be something more going on in the other “Roman” baths? Out I got then and made my way a little further into the bathing area, where I found the most beautiful pair of pools at the end of the corridor.

And, even better, I found the answer to the bedsheet question: it was to cover the lounger of course! On seeing that, I was so glad I hadn't wrapped myself in it like a toga…

These pools were no larger than the other one - if anything, they were a bit smaller still. But what they lacked in size they more than made up for in beauty. The decorative tiles were stunning and small features like the fish head spouts on each edge were an elegant touch. There was a couple swimming in there when I arrived, so I swam in the second pool until they got out, when I moved into what seemed to be the slightly larger of the two. As I did, another chap appeared and got into the pool I had just left. Though there was no system in place, it seemed to be working well!

Whoever thought of putting those red and green tiles in these pools was inspired!

For a while, I considered spending a while relaxing by the poolside. I had my phone so had a book to read, but without a bathrobe, I soon felt a little chilly. Next time, I will come better prepared!

I showered and dressed before making my way out of the baths and along the corridor lined with treatment rooms labelled Colon-hydrotherapy, Electro-therapy, Laser-therapy, Gas injection and Bubble Bath. Chairs were placed outside each door and in some cases, people in dressing gowns and slippers were waiting their turn.

Happily, I had a lunch date in the cafe just nearby!