

It’s hard to think that it’s September already. For a few years now I’ve been following prompts from Shimelle who has led a daily September project called “Learn Something New Every Day”. I’ve enjoyed the project and have shared some of my journals here and shared a bit of last year’s journal here. This year, however, even though I spotted Shimelle’s email in my inbox the other day, I just didn’t get into the groove and here we are, it’s the second day of the month and I have done nothing. Haven’t even given it a thought, which is most unusual.

Spookily, I’m not alone in that, because returning to Shimelle’s email just now I read that she won’t be offering any new content this year - looks like she is in a similar mindset!


It’s not that it doesn’t feel like the start of Autumn already. We’ve felt the chill in the late afternoons lately and have been feeling the need for another layer even if we’ve resisted turning on the heat. We are very much aware of the empty woodstore though but repeated calls to our supplier suggest that perhaps he’s still on holiday? Of course, in true Thomas fashion, that’s next year’s wood we’re talking about, as this year’s supply is neatly stacked at the back of the garage, so there’s no danger of us going cold!


Even though the leaves are starting to come down, I’m hopeful of a few more days of warmer weather and sunshine when the children go back to school next week. We all remember how the last days of the Summer holidays were chilly and yet as soon as we had to put on that school uniform it turned warm again! I have shows to judge over the next two weekends and am hoping for sunshine then as well.


I actually like Autumn. I like the idea of a return to routine and a fresh start. I prefer to be cosy and snug to being hot and sticky and have written about it here (several times actually…I won’t repeat myself!) So I gave a little cheer when shopping this morning and spotted a couple of favourites which found their way into my trolley without hesitation.

Mmmm….plum crumble and damson gin on the horizon! What’s not to love?



A five star trip

A five star trip