The pompom takeover

The pompom takeover


The house (and parts of the garden) are dotted with tiny pieces of brightly coloured yarn right now: the snippings that result from the process of making pompoms.  I haven't counted how many I've made so far, but I think I'm nearing my century.


I can't tell you how many times I've felt very thankful for my Clover pompom gadgets!  


Not only does it avoid cutting out all those cardboard doughnut shapes, it makes the process much quicker too.  I also think the pompoms turn out better, but don't really understand why.


Why so many pompoms?  


Why so many pajaki?


I'll be at Blenheim Palace on Sunday with my WI hat on and some of the samples I've made, demonstrating at Countryfile Live.  Maybe I'll see you there? 

If you're a WI member, there's a tutorial here on MyWI, where it's the make of the month.  

I think I've had enough of pompoms for now

I think I've had enough of pompoms for now

The best of both worlds

The best of both worlds