A new word for me

A new word for me

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Life is seldom dull around here.  For much of last week we had the background music of a chainsaw, accompanying the agile clambering about of three young men in the trees opposite.  We've watched these trees grow since we've lived here and though they used to be regularly trimmed and kept in shape, in recent years they've been allowed to become out of control.


We were thrilled to hear those chainsaws then, not least because we had lost our view.  The hillside setting of our village means that our sitting room windows are at the same level as the trees which overhang the lane which runs in front of our house.  So I could stand at the window and almost shake hands with the young man working up there, high above the road.


In just a few days we went from this...


To this.  Can you sense our relief at this reclaimed breathing space?


How lovely it was to look out at the beautiful sky as the sun was rising this morning and be able to see all those trails from planes on the transatlantic flightpath.

As for the new word?  Well, when I uploaded my photographs and printed a couple out for the tree guys,  I was curious about the words on his sweatshirt.  Curious enough to google, that is.  I learned that I should refer to him as an arborist, adding another word to my vocabulary this morning!

(trouble is, I fell down a rabbithole of amusing work-related T shirts in the process!)

In my best Hull accent

In my best Hull accent

A challenge

A challenge