

Notice anything different?

Well, hopefully all gremlins are banished to distant places and with the help of my Hero and SqSp technical support, I hope you got here smoothly and found a bright, fresh post here, ready and waiting?

There are still one or two small issues to be resolved and older posts need updating and editing slightly to show up correctly on the front page.  I'll be working on that during the next few days and gradually everything will be knocked into shape.  But if something isn't quite working for you, or you spot a broken link, please let me know and I'll see what I can do.

I especially like the ease of moving from one post to the next in this design and having spent a long time trying to achieve that in my previous blog pages, I'm delighted to finally get that "next post" and "previous post" function working well whether you are at the top, the middle or the bottom of the page.  Have you found it yet?  (hover your cursor around the right or left hand side of the screen and it should appear).  There is also a simple "like" button, for both blog post and comments, so we'll see how that works!

Anyway, fiddling with my blog is a great diversion activity.  You can imagine how much I'd rather be clearing up my studio ;-)

Seeing straight

Seeing straight

