An Elegant Sufficiency

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Lighter, brighter




Working in one of my favourite places today, I must have been distracted when I arrived, because it was only as I left that I noticed the blackboard standing by the door.  I’d spent the morning in a pleasant and very useful meeting with colleagues whose company I enjoy and met some interesting people over a sandwich lunch.  Time well spent.

Stepping outside to return to my car then, I read the list of flowers to spot in the grounds, noticed the sun shining and decided to take “the scenic” route back to the car park.




How could I have overlooked these little beauties earlier?  Such a welcome sight after so many dreary winter days and even though there’s still plenty of time for more of that, the days are getting noticeably brighter and longer.




The small drift of crocus under the gnarled old tree lit up this area of the gardens and the pale, light colours shone through the wet grass.




Most exuberant of all were the little aconites, which always remind me of the dear old lady who owned the flat I shared with occupational therapist Lin, when I first started work.  I’ve tried several times to get them growing in our garden, without success, each time inspired by the sight of them like this.

What a great idea to place the blackboard by the door this morning and what a joyful way to start a new month, don’t you think?