Who wears the trousers?


I’ve had a fun morning filling my new wardrobe.  Well, I couldn’t really wait until this morning – the minute the builders left on Thursday afternoon, I began to hang things in there and this morning I’ve been bringing up the boxes of folded T shirts and things which have been living in the garage since last October.




One thing is immediately apparent.  Those who know me won’t be surprised to see the colours are very consistent!




In fact, perhaps one day when I have even more time to play, I should organise by colour rather than jacket/skirt/trousers.




I’m sure there would be clear divisions between the spring green, the pink, the blue and the purple.




The one single yellow shirt I have could hang on its own.  Yes, really, I have one yellow piece of clothing!  But you won’t have seen it because I don’t think I’ve worn it once.




The rest is so very predictable!




But I have a guilty secret which I was told to confess.  See that little pile in the back of the photograph?  I’ve run out of room for my trousers.

I really couldn’t believe it when I came across another box of folded jeans and trousers in the garage this morning, and brought them upstairs fearing the worst.  Never having had all of my clothes in one place before and always having them split between two or three different rooms, wardrobes and packed away according to the season, I have never had to confront the rather curious fact that I appear to own ninety pairs of trousers!

Ninety two actually, because I didn’t count the pair I was wearing and then I found another pair, hanging in the guest room.

My Hero decided that it was a fine time to pile on the guilt but it didn’t work.  I have no shame – they’re all paid for and (I think) they all fit!  But clearly, it is time to reassess just how many pairs of black jeans I need, not to mention the navy blue wool trousers which might just be slightly old fashioned, because some of these trousers do go back quite a while, I’m sure.  So, one day soon (when I get the mirror fixed up) I will have to spend a day trying them all on and consigning some to the charity shop.

I left that little pile on the floor and went to empty the washing machine, to hang the contents up to dry.  I opened the machine door and found two more pairs inside ;-)

In the salad section

More colour