An Elegant Sufficiency

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Another day at sea


We’ve been at sea today and have been sweltering hot, thoroughly soaked and ever so slightly chilly.  Well, we are British.


I began my day by attending a lecture on taking better photographs.  I listened intently and hope that I learned something.  Only time will tell.  It seemed a little odd to take a photograph of the man who was teaching us how to take better photographs so you’ll simply have to picture the scene yourself!

The day continued with a demonstration from the pastrychef.




Clever young man, deft as anything once he had a piping bag in hand! 




He warned us that it’s like handwriting – each person has his/her own signature to decorate a plate and though working with melted chocolate was not quite for the beginner, he equipped us with bottles of fruit sauce, toothpicks and the basic components for a chocolate mousse.




Not quite up to scratch but a try out of a few of his suggestions and a fun way to spend the morning. It was lovely working in the cool air-conditioned environment, but of course, as soon as I took my plate outside, it melted into oblivion.




We enjoyed a German lunch on the pool deck today, sitting in the sunshine until, suddenly, a grey cloud deposited a bucket or two of heavy rain on us.  As fast as it appeared, it cleared up again – tropical weather is certainly eventful!  All the time we were sitting there, we were aware of a flock of birds hovering overhead and casually posed the question what they might be?  The captain supplied the answer – shearwaters of some description.  Today’s lesson learned.




Tonight the skies were superlative.  Who threw that bucket of blue paint up there?  I stood for a while simply enjoying the spectacle, taking photographs and just being outdoors in the quiet space of the Coral Sea before going downstairs for drinks, dinner and tonight’s show.

Tomorrow we arrive in Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea.  We need to be ready to roll at 7.55am, which means that it’s most certainly time for bed!