

Sometimes, when I review the photos I’ve taken throughout the day, a clear theme emerges.  Today was one such day.




Edward was keen to see inside Grand Central Station, so after our Red Flame breakfast, we walked over Fifth Avenue and left the sunshine outside.  Such a magnificent building, especially at this time of the morning, when there is peace and quiet.




Back outside, we spent time admiring the finer details, enjoying the old and new.




Sometimes, both together!






The peace and quiet doesn’t last long in this city though, Sunday or not, there is business to be done.




We were delighted to have the company of Jordi on our afternoon adventure and were glad that Mark’s business in Pittsburgh didn’t detain him from a bit of fun too – the four of us set out on the subway to spend a sunny Sunday afternoon in the fresh air.





The subway station offered a clue to our intended destination.




We love the way the art installations in the stations reflect the location, particularly so in this case.  Have you guessed yet?




Along with thousands of other tourists and New Yorkers alike, we set off to walk across the Brooklyn Bridge.  It’s a narrow path, half of which is set aside for cyclists, some of whom were travelling at an alarming speed.




The structure is amazing, the patterns and networks of cable fascinating.




Not to mention the view.





Nearing the Brooklyn end of the bridge, the crowds thinned out a little, allowing us to dawdle a bit more, to enjoy and appreciate the engineering skills which had built this fantastic bridge.




I especially liked the plaque commemorating the role of Emily Roebling in the building of the bridge.





Reaching the Brooklyn side, feeling footsore and weary, we stood a short while to admire the mosaic sign in the subway station before catching the train back to Union Square, where structures of an altogether different kind had materialised since Friday evening.




These are sukkahs, built as part of the Jewish Sukkot holiday and they were altogether rather striking, standing there in the square.






One, in particular, caught my eye, with the hint of the rather special patterns and details inside




All of which was a somewhat surprising end to another lovely day. 

Oh, and of course we ate dinner!

Monday morning

All in one day