An Elegant Sufficiency

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Heaven knows how anything serious would get done if I lived closer to my like-minded friends.  I spent yesterday chez Sue and in between all the chatter, Ravelry reading, show'n'tell and general enabling, I managed to finally put the final stitches into the crochet scarf I began at summer school.



I'm rather pleased to finish this since I was beginning to get a little bored with the pattern, now I've got the hang of it.  Isn't it always the same - as soon as the challenging becomes doable, it gets boring! 

I'm still a little confused as to my choice of colour for it, but am generally quite pleased with the finished scarf.  Might make it again at some point - not now, though.  I have other plans.  Added to which, the Forest Canopy shawl is nearing completion and I am anticipating a sprint to the finish!



During the last hour or so of the afternoon, Sue reminded me why I'd enlisted her support - I've had an Amy Butler bag pattern for ages and just couldn't get myself psyched up enough to start the thing.  I took along two lengths of cheap, flashy fabric bought years ago in Thailand - green for me, blue for Sue - and we cut out a bag each.  Quite how long mine will remain in the ziplock bag without my friend and enabler, who knows?  We will see!



Finally, how yummy is this?  I couldn't leave that skein of Misti Alpaca there any longer and simply had to wind it.  It's #11, FoxTail but in the best hand dye tradition, is somewhat different from the sample shown on the MistiAlpaca website.  I don't anticipate it will become anything just yet - I'm just going to enjoy it for a while!


For the first time in years, I'm giving the Knitting and Stitching show a miss today and looking forward to hearing all about it from friends instead.